If you are looking for a superb all round mayfly dun pattern, that is easy to tie and will work for just about any mayfly hatch, just match the correct hook size and colour - and you need look no further!
The hair wing dun series from Rene Harrop includes this classic, the Adams Hair wing Dun. If the Adams and the elk hair caddis got together and had a child it, this would be the result. Two of the greatest patterns ever designed morphed into one. The hair wing duns, have the perfect silhouette, float well and low. The high rear slanting wing is perfect for a dun style mayfly.
Hook: Mustad Heritage R30 # 10 - 20
Tying thread: Sheer 14/0 Grey
Tail: Brown hackle fibres
Body: Superfine dubbing grey
Hackle: Brown and grizzle mixed
Wing: Fine short winter deer
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