5,000 videos!
In December 2013 the video section crossed the 5,000 video mark, and I wrote an article to celebrate it and added a couple of graphs to show some details about these many videos and the 18 million times they were viewed.
This number has of course been surpassed now, and is much higher as seen below.
And then 10,000!
It only took a few years to doble that number, and in 2019 I could write the 10K article.
OK, I know... it's not totally original, but since every other site out there seems to have a video page, I decided to have one too. After all, our user's image gallery has been a huge success, so why not a video gallery?
So, what I essentially do is gather the best fishing videos from all the different sources on the web. I don't host them, I just embed them and link to them, so this is really kind of an index. But that can be OK too, can't it?
It's also a desperate measure to get some content to the site. I've been all too busy this year with tonnes other things than publishing on GFF... but that's a whole other story.
For now I invite you to add fishing videos to this new part of the site. I'll review them as we do with all user submitted contributions. It filters out the worst spam.
You can read more about the video service in this article, something about videos in "The new breed" and see the content tagged with "video" here.
Notice on ownership and copyright:
Almost all the videos that are featured on this site are not produced by the Global FlyFisher or its staff. I embed other people's videos from external sources like Vimeo and YouTube. The videos are produced and owned by others and all I do is collect them and display them.
I do not claim ownership in anyway and all rights belong to the originators, to whom we are grateful for allowing me to display their work.
If you have produced interesting fly-tying or fly-fishing videos that I haven't picked up, feel free to submit them. If I on the other hand host some of your videos against your will, simply let me know, and I will take them down immediately. If you are a video provider who doesn't want your work shared through channels like this, simply turn off embedding and/or sharing in the configuration of your video. Then people are technically kept from using them, and I do of course respect that decision.
To all other video originators: we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
So please feel free to browse our videos, suggest new and comment on those already entered.
If you have questions or comments, please write me.