This video is my attempt at the original Adams pattern according to a few seemingly reliable sources. The first source is a book by Harold Smedley called "Fly Patterns and their Origins" and the other is post online here -
I later posted a picture of the fly in a FB group and James Slattery shared his understanding of the original with this link -…
This link I viewed after filming my video...but it sure looks like no hackle turns were in front of the wing!
So here is the original recipe:
Hook - dry fly 10-16
Thread - Black
Wing - grizzly roooster hackle tips tied in advance and semi spent
Body - grey wool yarn
Tail - two golden pheasant tippets
Hackle - Grizzly and Brown
Try it the original way - I am sure it will be as much of a winner as the modern variations...of which there are many!
Wing forming link -
Thanks Adam
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