The Global FlyFisher has once again been moved to a new publishing system, and things have changed – but are basically still the same
Since this is an all new system, there may be glitches. If you experience anything annoying or faulty, please contact me, and I will try to fix it.
This site has existed since 1994 in one form or the other, and during that period it has of course gone through a wealth of changes.
Regarding content it has grown and been expanded constantly, and even though some of the additions have met a cruel fate and disappeared, most of the sections, content and functions, that have been introduced over the years, are still here.
On the technical side on the other hand, nothing is left from yore. In the beginning there was no technical system, just some documents, but fairly early on in the life of GFF a publishing system evolved and grew – and became more and more advanced, to a point where I had to abandon it and change to a new and fresher horse. That horse was a so called CMS (Content Management System) called Drupal, which did a swell job of handling the content and the visitors. Drupal is an open source system, which has existed for many years. It’s powerful and flexible, but also quite complex. I work with it professionally every day, so it’s the natural choice for me.
The need for the upgrade was very simply caused by the fact that the previous version was sentenced to death by its developers! OK, that sounds harsh, but is actually quite normal when it comes to software. Old versions die, new versions are developed. The same thing happened to the system behind GFF – and will happen again in the future.
I won’t drag you through any technical details of the upgrade, but just assure you that we are now running the most recent version ... and on a brand new server too! So everything should be laid out for a bright future where I can focus on fly-tying and fly-fishing content and not suffer the server blues every now and then.
Of course there will be glitches, but in most cases all has been conserved and works as before. The design has changed a bit, but not in any dramatic way. The old design worked, and if it ain’t broke, you know.
Martin Joergensen
Still, I’d love to hear from you if something is broken after all. If you bump into links that don’t work, pages that don’t exist or downright errors that show their ugly and very technical face sometimes, please contact me and tell me where you found the glitch and what happened.
I will make it a high prioritized task to fix it as soon as possible.
Until then I’ll start working on some tying and fishing content. Man, am I looking forward to that!
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