This is the fifth of my 10 commandments of fly fishing and you can apply it in which ever way it helps you.
5. Have energy for the fishing.
Do not be too lazy to get up at 4 in the morning. Do not sigh at the thought of an hour-long hike to the water, or the thought of making coffee and sandwiches for the next day. Have the energy to do all that – and enjoy it.
10 fly-fishing commandments
I am by no means the world’s best fly fisher, or the best fly tyer, but I have taught many people to fish as well as hundreds of school kids. Up to a couple hundred have attended my Nymphing Master Classes.
I have heard so many times: "I cannot fish", "I cannot cast", "I do not know where to fish", "I wonder how that guy catches so many fish"
I developed my 10 commandments of fishing, that I normally try and share with people along the way.
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