for my version of the Daddy Longlegs, visit:
enter->flytying->daddy longlegs!
Enjoy, and feel free to sent me a picture of your Daddy Longlegs!
Could I suggest that you added pictures of your patterns when you post them here? Pure links to your own site don't really add much value.. no offense meant. I really enjoy your site, but we usually prefer content rather than links - as we have often said.
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Nice pattern Hans,and awesome pictures in Your page :shock:
I like it :!: :)
Please post Your patterns in future :roll:
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[quote:f64d876f96="Hanzie"]Let's see if it works[/quote:f64d876f96]
Excellent! And a good looking pattern too! Thanks.
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I'm tying one as soon as I post this message. Really nice for my style of fishing.
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Nice flies Hans, I too have gone away from the detached body styled daddies to a tied in body as after a few fish, I need to tie on a new fly! And boy these norwegian fish go mad for daddies.......so that alot of tying to do......
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Could I suggest that you added pictures of your patterns when you post them here? Pure links to your own site don't really add much value.. no offense meant. I really enjoy your site, but we usually prefer content rather than links - as we have often said.
Ok Martin,
no problem.
I'll give it a try.
Let's see if it works
Nice pattern Hans,and awesome
Nice pattern Hans,and awesome pictures in Your page :shock:
I like it :!: :)
Please post Your patterns in future :roll:
Re: pictures
[quote:f64d876f96="Hanzie"]Let's see if it works[/quote:f64d876f96]
Excellent! And a good looking pattern too! Thanks.
I'm tying one as soon as I
I'm tying one as soon as I post this message. Really nice for my style of fishing.
Nice flies Hans, I too have
Nice flies Hans, I too have gone away from the detached body styled daddies to a tied in body as after a few fish, I need to tie on a new fly! And boy these norwegian fish go mad for daddies.......so that alot of tying to do......